Introduction to High Performance Computing

Advanced computing skills and the capacity to analyse large datasets are key for many researchers across a variety of disciplines.
This workshop is designed to enable researchers to use High Performance Computing (HPC) systems to improve their research efficiency.

By the end of this workshop, students will know how to:



This workshop is designed for those with NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE.
Students will need their own laptop computer.
Students will need access to their institutional HPC.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction to HPC What is High Performance Computing?
Why should I be using High Performance Computing for my research?
Don’t I need to know how to program to use High Performance Computing?
00:10 2. Connect to the HPC How do I connect to an HPC system?
00:25 3. Basic UNIX Commands What is the syntax of UNIX commands?
How do I navigate the file system?
How do I transfer files to HPC?
How do I interact with files on the HPC?
00:55 4. Using a cluster: Introduction What is a cluster?
How does a cluster work?
How do I log on to a cluster?
01:15 5. Using a cluster: Scheduling jobs What is a scheduler and why are they used?
How do we submit a job?
02:15 6. Using a cluster: Accessing software How do we load and unload software packages?
02:50 7. Using a cluster: Using resources effectively How do we monitor our jobs?
How can I get my jobs scheduled more easily?
03:20 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor. Kevin (MARCC) - Thanks to Software Carpentry and Kate Cahill of OSC.